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Details and Pricing

Goose Skin and Vintage Paint
Grumman Goose Engine
Grumman Goose Wheels
Goose Skin and Vintage Paint

Your Individual Training Needs

Each flight is unique.  We typically engage pilots by making numerous water landings to get a feel for the airplane, while offering instruction in various topics having to do with the Goose and Alaska flying.  Water work, including taxiing and beaching operations will be emphasized.

While on a Flight Session, there are several topics that can be covered in this instruction:


  • Water landings (freshwater lakes)

  • Mountain flying

  • Amphibious operations

  • Beaching

  • Anchoring


The details of individual flight plan will be tailored to particular situations. We will cover instructional topics of your choosing, accomplish any goal you might have, and weather permitting--go anywhere you like within our flight radius.  


Click here to see our interactive destination map.



Our Pricing

This training is a high-end offering in a unique vintage airplane and is not meant to be competitive in the multiengine-sea rating market.  We make every effort to provide a good value through efficient instruction and a well-planned session. All prices are flight time only, so there is no charge for time spent taxiing or on the water.

Day Session                                                                                       $4,900

3 to 3.5 hours of flight instruction in a session with maneuvers and destinations of your choosing.  This session includes a picnic lunch at a scenic Alaskan lake.

By the Flight Hour                                                                           $1,650

We can provide instruction by the flight hour to meet your specific goals.  A basic introduction to the Goose can be done in about 1 - 1.5 hours.

Multi-Engine Sea Rating                                                                $13,500

This includes 7 hours of flight instruction plus the checkride.  Please contact us for details and schedule availability.


Biennial Flight Review                                                                     $1,650

If you already have a MES rating, you can get your BRF with us.









Payment Terms

We accept cash, checks, or credit cards, due at the time of service.  For credit cards, we add a 3% service fee to cover the cost of the transaction. Wire transfers are to be completed up front prior to service.  

Weather or Mechanical Issues

Weather or a mechanical problem can always be a factor.  We do *not* fly under unsafe or poor conditions.  Because of this policy, we are dedicated to flexibility and though we cannot refund your travel costs, we will offer a full refund of all deposits if it is decided that we cannot fly.  Watching the weather before your trip is imperative--but even if your flight is cancelled or rescheduled, a trip to Alaska is never a bad thing.  There is so much to do in Anchorage and the surrounding area.  Click here for more.


One passenger is allowed on the flight instruction tour.  Please discuss this with our crew when setting up the details of your flight.

Take Home Material

When your flight training is complete, you'll recieve a logbook entry for your flight, a photo of you flying the Goose, and the option of having a video recording your flight.  For your convenience, GoPro brackets are located on the wing and the cockpit--but we welcome any media you'd like to use to capture the experience.  Just be sure to share how great of a time you had and where the footage came from!



After making your reservation, you will receive a package of instructional material in advance of your appointment.  Before your flight, we will go through the waiver of liability (click here to download a preview) and other legal procedures, and then you will be thoroughly briefed in a ground school session.  When ready, we'll be off on the instructional tour.

B-81 LLC dba The Goose Hangar

Anchorage, Alaska


     B-81 LLC, 2015


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     "If you have an appreciation for old seaplanes and Alaskan wilderness, we guarantee to deliver a memorable experience that is not available anyplace else in the world, or in any other airplane."


                    -John Pletcher, B-81 LLC Managing Member

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